AccsZone - Accounts store @accszone1
FB Accounts | Verified by email (email included). Male or female. Avatars are added to the accounts. 2FA included. Сookies, token included. Registered from the Turkey IP.
Price for 1 Piece : 0.6


  • The Facebook accounts are registered automatically.
  • Verified by email (email is included).
  • The accounts are registered from the Turkey IP.
  • Male or female.
  • Avatars are added to the accounts.
  • 2FA include in the package.
  • Сookies, token are included
  • 📌 Account Format: login from facebook:password from facebook:login from email:password from email:name:date birthday:token:2FA code:Cookie

User guide to use site: click here

📺 For a guide on converting Base64 cookies to JSON, check out our tutorial:

📺 For a guide on how to login outlook email address :


⚠️ Important Note: If you are trying to log in to your Facebook account using your username and password and you receive an error message stating "wrong password" or "wrong credentials," please ensure that you are using IP addresses from the same country. We recommend using mobile IPs or a reliable proxy server for logging in.

For example, if you have purchased a USA Facebook account, make sure you are using a USA proxy to log in.

⚠️ Cookies Login: If you are attempting to log in using cookies (in Chrome or Firefox), and after decoding the cookies and pasting them into the cookies editor extension, automatic login is not working, please consider using an antidetect browser. Paste the cookies into the antidetect browser, and you should experience automatic login.

⚠️ Important Note: Before utilizing the account, download and save the profile photo to your computer. This can be instrumental for account recovery in cases of self-identification.