AccsZone - Accounts store @accszone1
Twitter filled with NFT || ASIA/EUROPE ip, 1-5 followers, avatar, banner, location, bio, cookies BASE64
Price for 1 Piece : 0.3

✅ Twitter filled with NFT, crypto ||  ✅ ASIA/EUROPE ip ➤ 1-5 followers ◾️ 1-5 following ◾️ avatar ◾️ banner ◾️ location ◾️ bio ◾️ cookies BASE64◾️ - for follows, likes, reposts - for everything

Twitter accounts verified via email, great for likes/posts/retweets/follows.

Use only cookie/token to login! Otherwise high chance of verification request.

Included login/password for hotmail/gmx, SMS may be required for email access. Email password may not work.

Please, before purchasing multiple accounts, buy a small quantity first and test if they suit your needs.

Twitter should be used from clean IPs. Also, avoid too much activity on the account right away.

Format: login:password:email:email_password:cookies_base64